Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thanks for noticing us!

Sorry, we've been MIA, but production kind of kicks the shit out of us on Tuesday nights. I, for one, didn't get to bed until 6 a.m., but such is life. Anyways, news editor extraordinaire Kate Clark will be posting her thoughts on the candidates debate later tonight - so, stay tuned for that.

In other news, my radio appearance was just about the best way to spend a Monday morning. Nick, the host, is a good friend of mine, so we had a great chat about union elections in general and my thoughts on our current one. And of course, the question on everyone's mind: will we beat our own voter turnout record this year? I elaborate more on this topic in my editorial this week, so be sure to pick up a copy of the Xav tomorrow. I'll also post the radio segment as soon as it's available in podcast form - which, I'm told will happen on Sunday.

In the meantime, I've been very impressed with the presence of the candidates down in our lowly newsroom. We've had visits from all three of the pres/vp slates, all initiated on their part, as well as a few keen individuals eying other executive jobs. This is a major improvement from last year, when we were not consulted with once by any candidate about what we do or how we view the union-paper relationship. As an integral part of this campus and a popular source of news for many students, finding out our views on campus is probably a good idea, and not just because we think we're right. As student journalists, we observe. You guys complain to us, write in to us and let us know what's going on across this campus, so we've gotten a pretty good idea of the kinds of things you're looking for, as well as the things that piss you off. And knowing that next year's executive is realizing this, really makes me hopeful for the future.

Anyways, I think that's enough from me. Stay-tuned for Kate's debate update and be sure to check out the issue tomorrow for more coverage of the campaign.

As always, be sure to send us your feedback. We always love to hear from our readers - whether its good or bad!

Danielle Webb

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